Sad Tabby is sad. We had to DNF. Lyresa and Tina were going great, but we learned that Tabbies dislike one thing more than water, and that thing is gale force winds. It was blowing 25-35 mph in Death Valley, with gusts over 40. We’ll post more details later but we are now on the way back home.
Mike: October 2009 Archives
Mile 126 - still have some cell coverage. Tina is making good time to Trona. And the wind is gently rocking the van.
Continue reading Posted from Twitter (#4589845816).
Mile 105 - Tina's well on her way to Trona. Lyresa's first stage was excellent.
Continue reading Posted from Twitter (#4588460563).
Plus, Super Tabby passed Spike the Wonder Dog. Meow.
Continue reading Posted from Twitter (#4585317487).
Mile 52 - Lyresa is gaining on Zorilla.
Continue reading Posted from Twitter (#4585276676).
Mile 45 - Lyresa is looking good. She has a nice tailwind.
Continue reading Posted from Twitter (#4584860948).
Click on the following link to see the “mug shot” of Lyresa and Tina taken at the rider check-in on Friday afternoon. The Tabby is looking quite super!
Off to bed. We’re loving all the comments and appreciate the support you’ve been sending our way. Team Super Tabby rides in the morn!
Listening to Chris Kostman. We're going to be here for awhile.
Continue reading Posted from Twitter (#4567476763).
Continue reading Posted from Twitter (#4567181261).
Team Super Tabby has arrived and we're checked in and inspected. Now we're off stuffing our pie holes.
Continue reading Posted from Twitter (#4562172477).
It’s early morning on Friday Oct 2, and the van is pretty much packed, and we’re ready to head down to Santa Clarita. With all the time needed to prepare, and all the details to attend, it will be somewhat of a relief to finally get on the road. Tina and Lyresa are as ready as can be, and it’s going to be a great 508. I’m looking forward to it.