Sad Tabby is sad. We had to DNF. Lyresa and Tina were going great, but we learned that Tabbies dislike one thing more than water, and that thing is gale force winds. It was blowing 25-35 mph in Death Valley, with gusts over 40. We’ll post more details later but we are now on the way back home.
Bad News
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OMG!! I'm so sorry. I was worried something had gone wrong. That sucks! I'm so shocked - all that hard work you did! You must be devastated. The important thing is that you are safe. See you soon :)
I am soo sorry to hear that you had to DNF. I was wondering why there were no more updates. Strong winds are not fun or safe on a bicycle. See you soon!
OH NO!!!!
Oh man!! Feelin ya guys.... so sorry! You'll have to let me know how it went down when you get home. Safe travels back, ya'll.
i was wondering what was going on :/ well we still love team super tabby!! theres always next year!
how was riding under the full moon? im sure the parts you guys got through were quite enjoyable :)
glad you are safe
Happy to hear everyone is fine..... I was wondering. Having suffered my own dnf due to howling winds .... Heartbreak double a couple of years ago -- I konw how frustrating it is. Hills are painful but headwinds just suck. Paul.
Bummer! Winds were wicked around here, too. I was almost blown over on my descent yesterday and gusts were only 15-20mph. Can't imagine desert winds at 25-35mph with dust in the air. Too bad sailing isn't an option. Still, you covered a lot of ground, and in good time. Tabbies are still super and should be proud! Look forward to hearing the stories.
ladies, you're still winners in my book. I'm sure this was a tough decision for you (and the many other teams that made the same decision), but it was probably a prudent decision. live to ride another day, right?
It's not the finish, sometimes it's the game you played to get there. Cheers
for having the balls to want to do this and giving if your best shot!
Starla Ralph Shauna and Chelsea
Right on! Lyresa and Tina were big winners before they ever got to the starting line.
Watching them during the race was awesome. From the comfort of the support van, it was clear that very few people on the planet could have accomplished a fraction of what those two did that day.
Many teams, including many multiple finishers, started dropping out early on Stage 3 (of 6). Not Lyresa. On that stage she climbed a steep 5000 ft. mountain road in a shifting 45mph wind, through sandstorms. It was a struggle just to keep the bike on the road. After fighting her bike all the way up and down that mountain, she then powered through that wind for another 40 miles to Death Valley.
When Tina took over at 2am for Stage 4, none of us could even stand up straight, the wind kept knocking us over. Tina rode head on into that wind for 4 hours before a random gust literally picked her up and threw her across the road.
At that point, Tina took a break, shortly before sunup. As we sat there in the van, numerous teams who had already quit passed us by.
At sunrise the winds were still going strong. For people with the courage, determination and sheer strength of Lyresa and Tina, there will always be another day.
You guys are awesome to get as far as you did.
We were there crewing for someone else and don't know how anyone could have pedaled forward in those hellish winds.
All the training in the world can't prepare you for something like that.
So sorry you guys had to DNF...