The cat carrier is coming together nicely, thanks to the efforts of chief kitty, Bernadette. It was a good day of organizing and putting the pieces together. Definitely, it’s beneficial to have our own van, rather than scrambling at the last moment to put it all together. This is going to be the most organized we’ve been for any of our 508s. Bring it on!!!
Recently in logistics Category
It’s early morning on Friday Oct 2, and the van is pretty much packed, and we’re ready to head down to Santa Clarita. With all the time needed to prepare, and all the details to attend, it will be somewhat of a relief to finally get on the road. Tina and Lyresa are as ready as can be, and it’s going to be a great 508. I’m looking forward to it.
One week to go before we leave for Southern California! If you plan on following the team, we hope you leave lots of comments during the race. In fact, please test the commenting on this entry before we leave so you know it will work for you.