One week to go before we leave for Southern California! If you plan on following the team, we hope you leave lots of comments during the race. In fact, please test the commenting on this entry before we leave so you know it will work for you.
One Week to Go
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This team Rocks!!!! I can't wait to hear the updates!
Love ya,
Yay! Looks like comments are working. I should note that it takes up to 10 minutes for comments to appear on the entry, but we'll see them on the road wherever we have cell converge.
Hey, I tried to create and account and sign in, but the site wouldn't let me sign in. There might be a problem there.
Another Q: Is/will it be possible to upload photos and other attachments?
So then I tried to create the account again, with the same user name as before. It told me that that account already existed. Even though it wouldn't let me sign in under that user name.
So then I tried commenting a second time, and my second comment didn't come up. I previewed the first comment but not the second. I wonder if I preview this one if it will appear.
So then I posted my 3rd comment and it showed up immediately after I posted it. But when I hit the Home text the entry I commented on should have shown 5 comments, but it listed only 3.
So then I realized that when I hit the Team SuperTabby title it wasn't taking me to, it was taking me to, and that's when the comment count wasn't changing. When I went back to, the comment count changed. Shouldn't the title take me to the starting home page?
And I still can't sign in with the account I created. These are all "anonymous" comments.
Go super Tabby! We're cheering for you.
The Tabby Twins
Comments are working. Yay! Thanks for all the support!
yay! cant wait to hug you guys!!
Good luck ST! MTFBWY. Look forward to celebrating on your return. xo, R & M
It is before dawn on Friday, Oct. 2. I'm having coffee and thinking what wonderful friends and family Super Tabby has! We can feel the love and support and that is a large part of what will get us across the desert. Thank you all so much!
In an hour, we will leave for Santa Clarita! Yay!!
Go Super Tabby!!