September 29, 2012

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Mike and Tina are in full FC508 prep mode. Very excited to have our own van now which Mike has done excellent work transforming into the Super Tabby wagon with a kick ass sound system, PA, and a comfy bed.

We both managed to have significant crashes leading up to this year’s race, but have both recovered and more importantly, Tina’s bike is fixed thanks to the great folks at Palo Alto Bikes and Seven.

In one week, we’ll be on the start line of the FC508 with out fabulous crew: Bernadette Lopes, Lonni Goldman, and David Greenwood.

Tina is thrilled to have the opportunity to start the journey in Santa Clarita & to get to climb Towne Pass during stage 3. Bring it on!

Looking forward to another journey through the desert on my bike.. See you out there!

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508 Weather

Santa Clarita
68.0° F
2 MPH/W 
Updated:13:50 PST 
62.6° F
Updated:13:20 PST 
Stovepipe Wells
72.5° F
Updated:13:10 PST 
Furnace Creek
68.7° F
Updated:13:00 PST 
68.3° F
Updated:13:00 PST 
Twenty Nine Palms
66.2° F
Updated:12:55 PST 

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This page contains a single entry by Tina published on September 29, 2012 6:39 AM.

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