Team Super Tabby is Ready to Tackle the 508!

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Mike made our bed for the van yesterday and it is quite comfy-in the heat that is to come, the resting rider will need to recover. Tina did quite a bit of packing as well as the longest session yet in the sauna. The temperatures look like they will be in the 90s for most if not all the race, but with our fantastic crew, many gallons of water and a huge amount of ice, we are excited to get started.

Mike has also been working on this website to make it keep track of our progress on the course. Check back over the weekend..

If you all would like to follow the race via live streaming video, this will be live starting at noon on Friday and it will be at the finish in 29 Palms, too. That means if you time it right, you could watch us cross the finish line! (Sunday night sometime)—>

” WHO let the cat out?!?”

Go Super Tabby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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508 Weather

Santa Clarita
59.0° F
Updated:17:51 PST 
57.2° F
14 MPH/W 
Updated:17:20 PST 
Stovepipe Wells
74.9° F
Updated:17:10 PST 
Furnace Creek
72.9° F
Updated:17:00 PST 
69.8° F
Updated:17:00 PST 
Twenty Nine Palms
69.8° F
Updated:16:59 PST 

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Tina published on September 27, 2010 8:27 PM.

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