On the training agenda for today— 3 x 10 min. intervals in 2.5hr. I knew I might need to amend this when my Garmin was reading 109’ about 5 miles into the ride. Still, the goal of these intense sessions is to increase my lactate threshold, which is a great thing. So I pounded out the prescribed wattage, testing to see what the heat would add/subtract from the interval. By 5 minutes, I was ready to puke! Not a surprise given the weather has been so cool this summer—no heat tolerance! Had to dial it back. Goal shifted to 2.5hr on the bike in 100’ ++ heat and maintaining whatever pace I could. Got home, could still walk, didn’t vomit..all good! Learned I need major time in the sauna +/- consistently hot weather to train in before Oct.2. Thanks for reading…Tina
August 24, 2010--It was Hot Out There (Great Training)
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