August 2010 Archives

On the training agenda for today— 3 x 10 min. intervals in 2.5hr. I knew I might need to amend this when my Garmin was reading 109’ about 5 miles into the ride. Still, the goal of these intense sessions is to increase my lactate threshold, which is a great thing. So I pounded out the prescribed wattage, testing to see what the heat would add/subtract from the interval. By 5 minutes, I was ready to puke! Not a surprise given the weather has been so cool this summer—no heat tolerance! Had to dial it back. Goal shifted to 2.5hr on the bike in 100’ ++ heat and maintaining whatever pace I could. Got home, could still walk, didn’t vomit..all good! Learned I need major time in the sauna +/- consistently hot weather to train in before Oct.2. Thanks for reading…Tina

Many lessons learned in October of 2009..

Onward to October 2-4, 2010! Mike and I are riding as partners this year with Michele Santilhano and Bernadette Lopes as crew. We are 100% psyched, training hard and planning our race. Our friends Tim Woudenberg (Werewolf) and David Jones (Donkey) are also racing this year. Should be an epic weekend! Thanks for reading. More updates as they come.. Tina

508 Weather

Santa Clarita
68.0° F
2 MPH/W 
Updated:13:50 PST 
62.6° F
Updated:13:20 PST 
Stovepipe Wells
72.5° F
Updated:13:10 PST 
Furnace Creek
68.7° F
Updated:13:00 PST 
68.3° F
Updated:13:00 PST 
Twenty Nine Palms
66.2° F
Updated:12:55 PST 

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This page is an archive of entries from August 2010 listed from newest to oldest.

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