September 2009 Archives

Weather Forecast

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The weather is one of the most important aspects of doing the 508. The main question is “How warm is it going to be?” and the answer is usually, “Very warm, indeed.”

The weather in 2008 was not typical, as a storm system had moved through on Friday and the remnants gave below normal temperatures on Saturday. Sunday was a little warmer, but still below normal.

Given that it’s hard to accurately predict the weather more than 5-7 days in advance, it’s only been now that we’re getting a good idea about the temperatures we’ll be facing for the race, and it turns out that timing is everything. If we had raced the 508 this weekend we would have faced temperatures up to 110 degrees in Death Valley.

Fortunately, the heat wave that was affecting California this weekend will abate somewhat by midweek. Temperatures will recover to around normal by race day, about the mid-to-upper 90s for Death Valley. The temperatures will be even cooler at night, probably in the lower-to-mid 80s, and while still warm, it will be much more pleasant than what they would have faced this weekend.

The Team meets Super Tabby

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Team Super Tabby got to meet the actual, the one-and-only, the magnificent, yes, it’s Super Tabby.

Team Super Tabby

One Week to Go

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One week to go before we leave for Southern California! If you plan on following the team, we hope you leave lots of comments during the race. In fact, please test the commenting on this entry before we leave so you know it will work for you.

Posted from Twitter (#3822977426)

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Team Super Tabby at the top of Old La Honda Link

508 Weather

Santa Clarita
68.0° F
2 MPH/W 
Updated:13:50 PST 
62.6° F
Updated:13:20 PST 
Stovepipe Wells
72.5° F
Updated:13:10 PST 
Furnace Creek
68.7° F
Updated:13:00 PST 
68.3° F
Updated:13:00 PST 
Twenty Nine Palms
66.2° F
Updated:12:55 PST 

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This page is an archive of entries from September 2009 listed from newest to oldest.

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