logistics: October 2009 Archives

Ready to Go

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It’s early morning on Friday Oct 2, and the van is pretty much packed, and we’re ready to head down to Santa Clarita. With all the time needed to prepare, and all the details to attend, it will be somewhat of a relief to finally get on the road. Tina and Lyresa are as ready as can be, and it’s going to be a great 508. I’m looking forward to it.

508 Weather

Santa Clarita
59.0° F
Updated:17:51 PST 
57.2° F
14 MPH/W 
Updated:17:20 PST 
Stovepipe Wells
74.9° F
Updated:17:10 PST 
Furnace Creek
72.9° F
Updated:17:00 PST 
69.8° F
Updated:17:00 PST 
Twenty Nine Palms
69.8° F
Updated:16:59 PST 

logistics: October 2009: Monthly Archives

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This page is a archive of entries in the logistics category from October 2009.

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