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508 Van

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The cat carrier is coming together nicely, thanks to the efforts of chief kitty, Bernadette. It was a good day of organizing and putting the pieces together. Definitely, it’s beneficial to have our own van, rather than scrambling at the last moment to put it all together. This is going to be the most organized we’ve been for any of our 508s. Bring it on!!!

Mug Shot

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Click on the following link to see the “mug shot” of Lyresa and Tina taken at the rider check-in on Friday afternoon. The Tabby is looking quite super!

Click here

Off to bed

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Off to bed. We’re loving all the comments and appreciate the support you’ve been sending our way. Team Super Tabby rides in the morn!

508 Weather

Santa Clarita
68.0° F
2 MPH/W 
Updated:13:50 PST 
62.6° F
Updated:13:20 PST 
Stovepipe Wells
72.5° F
Updated:13:10 PST 
Furnace Creek
68.7° F
Updated:13:00 PST 
68.3° F
Updated:13:00 PST 
Twenty Nine Palms
66.2° F
Updated:12:55 PST 

Preperation: September 2012: Monthly Archives

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