October 2012 Archives

On the road again. The cat carrier is on the move, heading south to the #fc508

Follow the Race

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The Furnace Creek 508 starts on Saturday. We’re filling up the van with stuff today, and driving down tomorrow. There are a number of ways to follow our progress during the race.

The best way to see where we are is the GPS tracking page. That updates via a satellite link, so it should give the most up to date information.

Second is our twitter feed. However, since cell coverage is spotty in the desert, there may not be frequent updates.

The 508 also has a progress page, and ours is here. That just gives the official times at each time station, and may not be current, depending on how long it takes to update that information.

Update: If you’re on Facebook, like our Super Tabby Page here: https://www.facebook.com/teamsupertabby

508 Weather

Santa Clarita
65.0° F
Updated:12:50 PST 
60.8° F
Updated:12:20 PST 
Stovepipe Wells
70.5° F
Updated:12:10 PST 
Furnace Creek
0.0° F
Updated:12:00 PST 
67.5° F
Updated:12:00 PST 
Twenty Nine Palms
64.4° F
Updated:11:55 PST 

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This page is an archive of entries from October 2012 listed from newest to oldest.

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